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Google LSA / Screened Ads Removes the Ability to Dispute Leads

This month, Google rolled out major updates to its Local Services Ads (LSA) platform that will impact a wide range of industries, including healthcare, real estate, home services, and law firms. Our SEO specialists are closely monitoring these changes to ensure our clients can adapt quickly and strategically. Here’s an overview of the latest updates and how they could affect your business.

Update #1: The Removal of the Dispute Option in LSA & Google Screened

Automated Lead Credits - Google has shifted from a manual lead dispute process to an automated system that credits businesses for poor-quality leads. While this change is aimed at making things easier, it comes with advantages and challenges.

Benefits: Streamlined Process and Time Efficiency

Previously, disputing low-quality leads required a considerable amount of time and effort. With this new system, disputes no longer have to be filed manually, which can be a significant time-saver, particularly for those heavily utilizing in Google Screened & LSAs. The time saved can now be invested in more productive activities that drive business growth.

Risks: Loss of Specific Credits and Potential Issues in Execution

The new system does have its drawbacks. Notably, Google will stop issuing credits for leads categorized as "job type not serviced" or "geo not serviced." This means if a lead requests a service you don’t offer or falls outside your service area, you won’t be credited for that lead.

To avoid wasting ad spend on unqualified leads, it’s critical to review and update your service area, job types, and vertical settings in your LSA dashboard.

While Google asserts that the number of credited leads will increase on average, there’s some uncertainty about how this will play out.

If you’ve been disputing leads frequently, it’s advisable to keep a close watch on your credited leads in the coming months to ensure that Google’s automated system is functioning as promised.

Update #2: LSA Ads Launch on Google Maps for iOS

Another key update is the rollout of LSA ads on the Google Maps app, starting with the iOS version. These ads will operate under the same pricing and billing structure as existing Search ads, and will only charge for qualified leads based on your current bids.

Impact on Home Service Businesses

This update may not drastically change the landscape for home service businesses. Google Maps is typically used for locating nearby traditional businesses, such as gas stations and restaurants, rather than for finding home service providers.

However, there is a possibility that businesses in high-density areas might see a slight increase in lead volume from this new channel. It’s worth keeping an eye on any changes in your lead generation from Google Maps.

It’s important to note that LSA ads have already been appearing in the map section of Google’s traditional search results pages (SERP). This update is specific to the Google Maps app on iOS.

Update #3: Verification Process for Local Service Ads

Google is enhancing the verification process for Local Services Ads (LSAs), with the updates gradually rolling out across the United States. Starting with smaller states and expanding to larger ones throughout the year, this change is aimed at increasing the security and authenticity of ads within the platform.

Key Changes to the Verification Process

The update, which was communicated to advertisers in specific legal service sectors, including personal injury, car accident lawyers, bankruptcy law firms, criminal defense attorneys, and real estate attorneys, involves new identity verification requirements.

In addition to existing license checks, professionals featured in LSAs—such as lawyers—will need to complete an identity verification to prove their affiliation with the advertised business. This means that the business owner or senior partner must also pass an identity check, ensuring that all individuals represented in the ads are verified.

Google's efforts are aimed at tackling spam and impersonation issues that have plagued the platform. By introducing these new measures, Google hopes to better protect consumers from fraudulent claims by unlicensed or fake professionals posing as legitimate service providers.

Why These Changes Are Happening Now

Google’s motivation behind updating the verification process is to safeguard users from potential fraud. The new identity checks will help ensure that consumers are connecting with verified professionals, providing peace of mind when seeking services from LSAs.

Implementation Timeline

The updated verification process is being rolled out gradually, starting with smaller states and then extending to larger ones as the year progresses. Advertisers who need to take action, including business owners and any featured professionals, should have already received emails from Google with instructions on how to complete the verification steps.

This move by Google highlights the company’s commitment to maintaining a secure and trustworthy advertising environment for users and advertisers alike. Businesses should ensure compliance with these new verification requirements to avoid disruptions in their Local Services Ads campaigns.

Maximize Your ROI with Google Screened & Local Service Ads

Our team of local SEO consultants are dedicated to staying ahead of the latest updates to Google Screened and Local Services Ads (LSA) to ensure our clients’ continued success. As we closely monitor these changes and their impact, we will promptly adjust our digital marketing strategies to keep your business thriving. By partnering with us, you can rest assured that we will handle the complexities, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

If you have any questions about these Google updates or need assistance fine-tuning your LSA settings, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you navigate these changes and keep your business on the path to success.

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